Echocreek Poodles
CH Echocreek Raziel When The Moon Hits The Sky
CH Echocreek Raziel Set Fire To The Rain

Doc Sublett

Tulsa Area-Oklahoma

Phone: 918-576-4294

E-Mail: sublett.echocreek@gmail.com

Web Site: http://www.echocreekpoodles.com

Our goal is to provide loving companion and show homes with beautiful healthy poodle puppies. Our puppies are intelligent with superior dispositions. We love giving references so you can hear, first hand, happy owners brag about our puppies. We have been breeding for over 25 years so we have lots of references including the veterinarian who oversees our program.

We breed black Miniature Poodles. Our puppies are registered with the American Kennel Club (AKC). We are extremely conscientious about the long-term health of our dogs so we breed only healthy adults with wonderful temperaments. This ensures healthy, sound pups. Our pups are raised in our home with our family. They are well socialized from an early age. We only have a few litters a year and there is a waiting list.

Pet puppies are sold with a neuter contract as well as a limited registration and are not to be bred. Show prospects are sold with a private treaty. My commitment is to protect the puppies that we produce as well as the poodle breed itself. In order to make sure our poodles received the best homes possible, I will ask for references as part of our approval process.

Health Screening: OFA Certified Hips, Knees, and Elbows. We also test for all breed specific and many other diseases through DNA testing. 

My Poodles whose test results can be confirmed:

CH Echocreek Double Honor

CH Echocreek Chronicle of Juniper

CH Echocreek Mirror Image of Juniper

Echocreeks Remington Special

Cabryn Law and Order at Echocreek

CH Juniper's Lonestar O Rosaline

Juniper Echocreek Pin-Up Doll

Echocreek Caralot Rumour Has It

Gulfbreeze Girls Like You Echocreek

Echocreek She Will Be Loved

CH Rannod Forever Dancin', TP

Echocreek Once Upon A Time

CH Echocreek Raziel When The Moon Hits The Sky

See More Photos:
CH Echocreek Raziel Set Fire To The Rain
CH Echocreek Houston Traveler
CH Echocreek Raziel When The Moon Hits The Sky
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